For some reason, this is the song I can’t stop listening to today.
this tattoo drama on tiktok…wow. i’m glad i never had a bad experience and pay *that* much.
Quote of the Day
“You. Goblin King, go.” Roy Kent from Ted Lasso
From Sacrifice to…Fancy Shmancy Ice Cream: Fulfilling Immigrant Dreams
It’s always a fun challenge to condense everything you want to express into one, single comic panel. This week, I decided to tackle one again. So, did I actually spend $85 on six pints of ice cream? Yes because Jeni’s Ice Cream is SO delicious and I really want to try the homemade banana bread […]
On Summer Camps
Figuring out summer camp for the kiddo…and seeing that it’s about $400-$700 a week. Wut….and that I’m late because I’m supposed to have figured this out in December. Ok…
Saturday Fun
Saturday fun at the arcade with the kiddo.
Springfield, Missouri Cashew Chicken
In the 1960s, Chinese American chef David Leong invented his own version of American fried chicken and gravy. But what started as one man’s savvy business decision became a hit dish for hundreds of restaurants around Springfield, Missouri.In the 1960s, Chinese American chef David Leong invented his own version of American fried chicken and gravy. […]