Well, for the past couple of weeks after the opening reception of Call and Response: Illustration in Uncertain Times at the Pao Arts Center, I have been sick. I caught the kiddo’s pre-K cough virus which knocked me out for 3 full days. I finally feel alive again even though I have hacking fits here […]
Tax Day
I finished our taxes today. We’re getting $8 back in federal. Did I even do it all correctly? No clue. All I know is that Turbo Tax made $ off of us.
Boston artist “Blind Fox”
Not every street artist has been thrilled about the rapid rise of the Blind Fox brand. Hagler said she’s received an earful from critics who view her and her peers as sellouts for basing their careers on big business commissions. But she’s not bothered. “Here’s the thing: We need to make money,” she said. And […]
Book Design Evolution
The lettering on romance covers dances with bouncy baselines, flirts with right alignment, and tantalizes with enjambment-style line breaks; all faux pas under the academic standards of design, but powerful at eliciting an emotional response. Type is often large-scale and boldly colored, calling out to be touched. But this emphasis on typography shouldn’t be a […]
MassArt Collaboration
Working with illustration students on an exciting new project. So much has changed — classes are held at the beautiful, new Design and Media Center…not Tower It was wonderful to see my professor and amazing watercolor artist Irena Roman again!
LEGO Lion Dancer
I built the LEGO little lion dancer — didn’t realize it’d be a booklet of instructions but I made it through with a couple hiccups. she’s so cute ????????????????
Arby’s SNL
This is my level of humor ???? also, I’ve only ever gone to Arby’s for the curly fries cuz those are amazing.
On This Day
Greece was fun.
It’s Me. Hi.