Arby’s SNL
This is my level of humor ???? also, I’ve only ever gone to Arby’s for the curly fries cuz those are amazing.
On This Day
Greece was fun.
It’s Me. Hi.
MBTA Orange Line Shutdown Map Re-Design
This is just a quick attempt at reigning in the visual hot mess of the official MBTA orange line shutdown map that was released to the public. I mean, I get it – all the information needs to be listed and highlighted. But, when everything is highlighted, then the information becomes moot visually. For my […]
“Northanger Abbey” by Jane Austen
Love this passage from Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. ‘Tis timeless.
“Hidden Legacy” series by Ilona Andrews
I’ve just discovered urban fantasy romance with The Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews and I am obsessed – obsessed. There’s magic, action, amazing chemistry, and strong female leads. But this line from Rogan from White Hot made me melt. I am currently reading Diamond Fire.
Beach Read
Finally read Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. What was I waiting for?! It was such a fun read and to finally be able to read Jane Austen’s progression in her craft from this to Persuasion is amazing. I’m even more of a Jane Austen fangirl now.
Storytelling Magic
Truth – 95% of the books I read.