There are so many options now for art prompt projects in the month of October. This year, I’ve decided to join MassArt’s #MassArtober. The running theme for my work will be whatever the prompt is but….make it cute ? View the entire project here.
Quote of the Day
Always remember…
WBUR x MassArt Illustration
WBUR partnered with MassArt’s Professional Freelance Studio program to create a limited-edition tote bag that features work from a new up-and-coming Boston artist every year. Working alongside professor Irena Roman, we provided art direction and weekly feedback for the artists to interpret the station’s signature sound from their creative points of view. It was an […]
The Supply Chain
luckily, we had no issues having this year’s hats delivered, but the labels sat in transit for a few days longer than expected even tho we opted for rush delivery. [Read More: The New Yorker]
Work Merch
via GIPHY Really excited about the upcoming WBUR thank you gifts.
On Copyright
One key takeaway from the Lu La Rich documentary? When the designer said that in order to avoid copyright infringement all that was required was to tweak an existing design by 20%. Ummmm….that’s it? Really disturbing. Also, I wanted to hear more from the former designer, Iliana Estarellas. 100 print designs by the end of […]
Production Work Time
via GIPHY My right hand/arm are dead after some art production monkey work, aka separating out colors into layers + tracing so many objects. My brain is also fried from creating / subtracting a bajillion compound shapes. The automated settings on Illustrator helped out tremendously but there was still a lot that just had to […]
Going on Vacation
via GIPHY Trying to wrap up loose ends before I go on vacation. of course, it’s right smack dab in the midst of tight deadlines. It’s been a mad scramble.
On Deadlines
This year’s deadlines hurt much much more because of supply chain issues…and then it’s summer so you think you’ve built in all this time but then the days start disappearing and before you know it, you’re up against time. But we can only make the best of the situation. Previously, I would’ve let it eat […]