The Fruit Somm(elier)

I really enjoy these video series where you learn more about people’s jobs. Bon Appetit’s is called On The Line and NYT Cooking has one called On the Job hosted by Priya Krishna. I enjoy them both.

Anyhow, in this video we get to follow the Fruit Somm(elier), aka Tristan Kwong (IG @fruitsomm), as he chooses the best fruit giving out tips on what to look for and all the things he has to prep for service which includes making the family meal. You can see the passion he has for his work and it’s inspiring.

Also, ummm…seafood hot dog? It looks amazing.

Line Cook Tristan Kwong brings you into the precise and fast-paced world of a professional kitchen at Bonnie’s, Brooklyn’s hottest Chinese restaurant. From shopping for fresh ingredients to prepping Bonnie’s gourmet take on the “McRib,” see what it takes to keep the quality high and the plates moving at an in-demand restaurant day-in, day-out.

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